Tuesday 20 May 2014


   We went out of town yesterday to rest a little. Misha (husband) had a free day so we took Alina and went to take some fresh air. Luckily the weather's been wonderful these days. I didn't have much time to paint something serious on my nails and I decided to try stamping (once more :)). We took several photos and I just can't help to show you them.

   Вчера у Миши был свободный день и мы решили съездить на дачу немного отдохнуть на свежем воздухе. Так что мы взяли Алину и поехали, благо погода сейчас стоит отличная. Много времени на ногти не было, так что решила снова попробовать стэмпинг. 
   Простите за обилие фотографий, но я просто не могла их не выложить :))


  1. What pretty silver stamping. Gorgeous pictures outside too.

  2. Very elegant manicure and I am happy to see the face behind the nails. You have a lovely little daughter!

  3. Great photos!
    Great blog, I'm a new follower on bloglovin and GFC :)
    would you like to follow each other?

    1. Thank you very much for comment and following my blog!

  4. lovely stamping! i love the quatrefoil pattern! :)
